"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Beloved Bucket

My Nathan is quite the character. Nathan just loves to be a tease and loves to play. He will hold something out for me to take it and then jerk it back and start running. Matt also claims that I am teaching him to act like a puppy (because I want a puppy so bad). Nathan will dip his body as low as it will go and lap up water like a dog from the bath tub. At meals he likes to pick up his bowl with his teeth and tilt it back. Finally, he will go to his tummy and then pick up the knob of the puzzle pieces with his teeth. I promise I am not teaching him to act like a dog, but I guess I got my boy and dog all in one.
(I had some cute videos, but they are not downloading. I will try later.)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Nathan and I built a fort in the living room. He had
fun crawling through the chairs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Finally put the professional pictures on the BLOG that we had taken back in October. Nathan is 11 months old in the photo.