"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jared Walking

Look at him go. Nathan loves to take his hand and walk beside him. He will say, "Slow." Because he knows that he has to go slowly with him. It is cute.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Nathan loves to watch Mickey House Clubhouse on Disney, and he loves to eat hot dogs.

I get so tired of spending so much time on the blog and then there are huge spaces between each picture and the typing is all double spaced and weird. I publish it and then view it, then I go back and correct what I see is wrong with the spacing. Then I publish it again and the spaces are all their again when I view it. Well, I hope that everyone enjoys it.


The boys eating their treat from Nana.

Nathan was a fire fighter and Jared was an elephant for Halloween. They both had fun.

We went trick or treating in our neighborhood. It took Nathan a little while to warm up

and want to do it, but he would say trick and thank you.

I love this picture.

Jared chowing down on an apple.

I know that these are not in chronological order, but that is how I flow.

Nathan decided to paint the pumpkin after we carved it. The most involved that Jared got was sampling the pieces of pumpkin that we cut out.

Nathan very proud of his pumpkin and saying cheese. He had to take his shirt off because he believes once it is wet or a little dirty he can't wear it.

Nathan using a knife to cut.

Nathan getting brave and touchy the slimy seeds of the pumpkin.

Our yearly pumpkin carving tradition. Jared wasn't interested at all, but Nathan had fun. He didn't really want to touch the inards, but he took the spoon and scooped out the seeds. He was excited to use a knife to cut and pop the pieces out that we had cut out.

My big brown eyed boy. Who loves to tease his older brother already.

My handsome almost 3-year old after getting a haircut.