"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mr. Nathan playing with his feet. He loves
for mom to stack blocks in front of him so
that he can knock them over. He knocks
them over as fast as I can put them up.

Nathan despises rice cereal, so we decided
to try some sweet potatoes. He was okay
with them, but they started to give him a
rash. We are back to just good ole Mom's

My garden: we have got about 6 strawberries a
and lots of lettuce. The tomatoes are doing pretty
well, the onions are thriving, the red pepper is going
strong, and the cucumbers are making progress.
We will see how long the bugs will stay away as well
as the critters.

I just love this outfit and cannot wait
to put him in it for church. I have been
sick for the past two weeks, so I am excited
to put him in it for Mother's Day.

He has almost outgrown his changing table.
He is 16 lbs and seems like he grew about
3 inches in the last day.

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