"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Visiting the Dallas Temple

This was Nathan's first time to see the temple (the place
that mommy and daddy were married). He enjoyed
touchingthe bricks. I enjoyed going back to the temple
as it has been since before Nathan was born. We missed
Matt being able to go with us.


Lizi Bates said...

Hi Vernice! I'm SO glad to be back in touch with you. Your lil Nathan sure is a cutie. How old is he now? How do you like being a mom? That's great that your parents came down for a visit. It was so much fun to go back to Cedaredge for a visit. We grew up in such a fun place! How do you like Texas? I'll have to look through your old posts and catch up with you. And I'll try to see what's up with facebook...

Simler Family said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the one with Mom and Dad and Nathan touching the temple. So special!