"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jared found that if he pulls out the drawer of the desk that he can climb on the top. He also has started to climb on top of Nathan's dresser. He says, "Tall." He has no fear.

Nathan's artwork. I think he has quite a talent.

He started to paint our family all on his own. This is what he came up with except I painted the names on there. It looks like he got all of the basics.

He painted in shapes after I drew them for him. He loves his shapes. He calls himself the Shape Bandit from Team Umizoomi.

1 comment:

Lizi Bates said...

Wow I am impressed - Nathan is a artist! Your boys are so cute and are getting so big. Wish we were closer so our boys could play together. I hope you're surviving the summer heat!