"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dancing and Walking

Nathan loves this gap commerical with girls dancing on it. He gets distracted and falls several times, but you can see the beginning of his walking. Matt and I will keep on rewinding the commerical just to see him react. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to turn it.


Kaitlin came to visit over Thanksgiving.
Nathan adored her and had such a fun

Our 1 year old Birthday Boy.

Some presents that he got.

Happy 1st Birthday Nathan

It took him a little while to get into his cake. He never really
used his hands much, but he liked to lick the plate like a dog.
Matt thinks that I train him that way because I want a dog,
but honest I didn't do anything of that sort.

The kids played red light, green light, but Nathan was not
enjoying his day with his teeth coming in. I made him a
race car track cake, which I thought turned out good for
my first cake. Nathan loves cars, and I thought that it would
be the perfect theme for his cake. I will probably use the cake
again when he turns 8 years old.

Nathan unwrapping his first present from
Grammy and Papa.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Painted House

We decided to take on the project and paint our living room,
entry way, hallway, and laundry room. It took us 3-4 weeks
to finish the entry way and living room. The photo on the left
still shows the tape and the ugly yellow that we had on that
shelf and then a back wall. We didn't like it, so I had to repaint
it. I had to do 3 coats in some places because the paint left
streaks. Matt would watch Nathan in our computer room while
I painted away. Lots of times I would stay up until 2AM painting
while Nathan was sleeping. We both like it, but it is quite a bit
darker than we thought it would be.
We were only able to get as far as we did because my parents
came to visit. They helped do the entire hallway with 8 doors.
I still have some to do, but they were life savers. We haven't
even been able to start the laundry room. I got the yellow paint
lightened up and will use it for the laundry room.

Nathan the Dino

He found a sucker in the back
of the van as we were getting
ready to hand out candy for
truck or treating.

We took Nathan out trick or
treating on a few streets, but
since he had a cold it was just

I was trying to teach Nathan to say,
"Rrrrrrrrrr." No such luck. He loves
to say "dad, daddy, & dadada."

Love the FALL Time

I thought that Nathan might like playing in a pile of raked
leaves, but he preferred to play with the rake. He would
play outside all day if the weather allowed it.

1st Pumkin Carving

One night for FHE games we carved a pumkin. I
have fond memories of doing this as a kid. It
works out well because I prefer to get my hands
dirty and get the guts out of the pumpkin and
Matt prefers to carve. Nathan finally started to
get into it and fling the guts all over our kitchen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Visiting the Dallas Temple

This was Nathan's first time to see the temple (the place
that mommy and daddy were married). He enjoyed
touchingthe bricks. I enjoyed going back to the temple
as it has been since before Nathan was born. We missed
Matt being able to go with us.

Mom and Dad took Nathan on
a walk, so Matt and I could
play roller blading hockey.

Our picnic at Breckenridge
Park with Mom and Dad.

We discovered at the state fair
that Nathanloves home grown
pears from Colorado. Yummy!!!

Out on a Sunday walk

Monday, October 12, 2009

Texas State Fair

While my parents were here, we took them to the State Fair.
Matt had to meet us there as he was on his way home from
work. Nathan's favorites were the animals and fountain. We
enjoyed getting out and doing something different.

The other day I stepped
outside and had to go back
inside to bundle up. Taking
a walk was the only way he
would fall asleep even in the
cold weather.

Grammy teaching Nathan
how to drink out of the
hose and getting soaking
wet in the process.

He is pretty proud
of himself.

Nathan thinks he is a big
boy when he can weigh
himself and play with our
bathtub facets.

Nathan and Dad working together.

Things My Boy Loves to Do

Nathan enjoys being outside,
and if he could be outside all
day long then he would.
He likes to eat the dirt out of
my garden and play with the
garden hose.

Nathan is mommy's big
helper and sweeps (okay
may not sweeps but pushes
the broom around)

I don't know who invented the
dishwasher, but I am grateful
as that is the way I get dinner
made. I will leave some things
in the utensil part, and he has
a blast pulling them out.

We always try and meet daddy
outside as he comes home
from work. Nathan likes to
drive the car in with Dad. He
enjoys cars and loved to drive
Grammy and Papa's car when
they were here. I guess he
already feels power being
behind the wheel.

He recently discovered that he can
unroll all of the toilet paper. I was
on the computer and wondered why
he was being so quiet. I went to
check and he had unrolled all of the
toilet paper. Grammy switched the
direction the toilet paper comes off
before she left, but today I found him
using his finger nails and pulling it off
in little pieces. At least he hasn't
discovered that the toilet lid opens and shuts.

Nathan clapping for Grammy, Papa, Daddy,
and me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I love to spike Nathans hair.
I thought that he looks all
grown up here. He makes
the cabbage patch face (at
least that is what my mom
called it and said I did it
all the time).

I would turn the camera on
and then say hi and wave my
hand. He did this 3 or 4 times
in a row.

A wave with a smile!!!

Finally a huge smile.