Cute Facts about Nathan
1. When Nathan was only a couple of weeks old, I read him a Baby Einstein book with animals and colors. I found out at an early age that he likes frogs and the color orange because he smiled when I read about both of those. Uncle John will be happy to know that he loves orange already.
2. Nathan can be a very confusing boy when it comes to nursing and changing diapers. He will wake up hungry, but he will not eat well until his diaper is changed. Thus, Matt gets to have a screaming, hungry baby while he changes him. He is much better now, and most of the time he will eat for at least 5 to 10 minutes before a diaper change.
3. During the first couple of weeks, Matt and I could not believe how many outfits and diapers we went through because Nathan would always soak through his diaper into his onesie and sleeper. We even went to Wal-Mart and bought two more sleepers, so that we could have enough. We found out later from Christi that we needed to make sure the elastic part around his leg was pulled out. What do you know, the problem was solved.
4. From the day that Nathan was born, he loved to fall asleep and sleep on anyone’s chest but especially mom’s. He curls his legs and feet under him, so he looks like a little ball. Now at seven weeks old, he will grunt, kick, and push off with his legs to move to the position that he most desires. He almost always wants to go over my heart, probably because that is a very familiar sound.
5. When Nathan is tired or nursing, he loves to reach his little hand back and grab onto his hair. Hopefully he won’t pull it all out. Just recently, he has started to grab onto my hair when it is down or in a pony tail, and believe me he doesn’t like to let go.
6. From the day that Nathan was born up until now, he is a grunter. He grunts in his sleep; he grunts while he eats, he grunts when he is being changed, and he grunts and all times of the day. Everyone who has stayed with his always comments at how much he grunts. It took me forever to get use to his grunts for me to fall asleep because most of the time he is on me sleeping.
7. Now at seven weeks, Nathan loves his changing table. He looks up at a couple pictures of Christ and some baby hands that we have and just coos his little heart out. He will stay there for 10 or 15 minutes just smiling and talking.
8. On January 11, 2009 Matt asked Nathan to smile really big. Matt says,"Nathan, can you smile for daddy, can you smile." Matt then would show him and smile really big himself. Nathan would smile back at his daddy with the biggest smile you have ever seen. He did not just do this once but 4-5 times in a row.
9. Nathan enjoys his bath for the most part except getting undressed, getting out of the water, and getting dressed. I guess he doesn’t like to be naked. He definitely takes after his mommy and wants the room as warm as possible and doesn’t like to get out of the warm water. He likes to lap up some of the water, and hold onto anything. He prefers to hold onto someone’s hand or the back of the mesh dilly dally thing that hold him up. We always sing “Splish Splash I was Taking a Bath” and “Saturday is a Special Day.”
10. At 5 weeks old, we found that if we heated up the hot/cold pack in the microwave and laid it on a pillow in the bassinette with a blanket on top that Nathan would sleep decently. Mom came up with this idea. This was especially during his colicky time. He wanted to feel that heat and think that someone was right there.
11. Nathan has always loved a stuffed Mickey that Michele Felton (my visiting teacher) gave him. He will just stare, coo, and smile, while he looks and admires at it in his crib. He also loves his mobile and will follow the animals around.
12. Now at 7 weeks it is a little harder to get Nathan to fall asleep. He doesn’t just nurse and fall asleep. He prefers to have the Children Songbook CD and someone dancing with him. He likes you to pivot in a circle and go round and round. I normally do that with him 2-4 hours a day. That is the only way I have been able to get him to sleep recently.