"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

School Projects

We built a fire truck out of diaper boxes. Both the boys love fire trucks and are quite talented in making the sound of its siren.

Nathan also really likes volcanoes, so we decided to do paper mache. He wasn't really interested in helping much with the paper mache because he is like his daddy and doesn't like to get his hands dirty. When I was putting on the last few strips, he decided to help. I thought he did a fantastic job of painting and erupting it. It was his idea to put on his safety glasses, which I thought was cute. He is very smart and creative. Both boys always seem to amaze me. Jared likes to eat the finger paint more than actually painting with it.

We bought a birdhouse kit from Wal-Mart and put it together. He was so excited to paint he could hardly wait. He's my little artist.

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