"Come What May and Love It"

-Elder Wirthlin (October 2008)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

It is hard to believe that Jared is almost 18 months old. He is in his 95% percentile for height and his 40% for weight. That's right: he is skinning and tall. He has starting talking so much and folds his arms for prayer by placing his hands under his chin. A few words include up, ma, da, hot, bubble, dance, dog, book, bath, nana, papa, more (signing), and much more. He is easy going and a happy boy for the most part unless he is teething and then he is a bear. He just cut has last two incisors. YEAH!! All he has left are his 2 year molars. We hope that he will have a few months break before he starts those. He loves to ride the horsy (ME) and play ring around the rosy. He would love to be doing whatever Nathan is doing or playing with, but Nathan just won't tolerate it. He loves being outside and being strawberries and eating them even if they aren't ripe.

Jared finally gets to play with the firetruck while Nathan is sleeping. I thought that it was cute that he wanted to ride it. Both Nathan and Jared LOVE firetrucks. They both can imitate the siren very well.

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